Mission, Values, Beliefs

Explore LTS

Our Mission
Long Trail School creates lifelong learners who aspire to reach their individual potential in an engaging, supportive community.
Our Core Values
At Long Trail School, we strive to educate the whole child and teach our students to be compassionate citizens of society. We embrace the following five Core Values in every aspect of life at Long Trail, in the classroom and beyond.
Integrity — Determine what’s right, then do it
Kindness — Practice empathy, compassion, respect
Openness — Engage freely in dialogue; listen, be open, speak
Responsibility — Take accountability for your actions and help others
Stewardship — Care for the school, its resources, the environment, and the community
Our Beliefs
At Long Trail, we believe that the way we teach must be creative and dynamic and mindful of the differences among students. These beliefs shape our approach:
Learning how to think is more important than being told what to think
Curiosity and conversation motivate
Children deserve a safe, welcoming, and supportive school where everybody is known and valued
Diversity improves the educational experience
A dynamic classroom responds to the individuality of each child
A balance of challenge and support moves learners to greater understanding and skill
Teaching and learning work best in small groups
Education is a shared responsibility