Student Organizations & Clubs

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At Long Trail, our Middle and High School students are encouraged to engage in a diverse array of clubs and organizations—or even take the initiative to propose new ones that reflect their unique interests. These opportunities are more than extracurricular activities; they are avenues for personal growth, leadership, and the formation of lifelong friendships.
Our student-led clubs and organizations empower young learners to embrace newfound freedoms, navigate responsibilities, and collaborate across grade levels. These experiences serve as platforms for self-expression, curiosity, and engagement while fostering connections with peers, mentors, and the broader school community. By stepping into leadership roles and participating in meaningful activities, students cultivate the skills and confidence they need to become socially responsible, well-rounded individuals prepared for success beyond the classroom.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in order to extend special recognition to students who combine outstanding scholarship with demonstrated leadership, extensive service, and the highest standards of character.
Students may be selected for membership in the National Honor Society starting in August following their freshman year. Students must have been enrolled at Long Trail School for at least one year to be eligible for consideration. Students with cumulative averages of 93 (91 for IB courses) will be invited to apply. Academically eligible students in grades 10-12 will be sent in invitation to complete the National Honor Society Application in August. Selection for membership will be made for those students who best combine superior scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Yearly service-based events include Pink Day, Valentine’s Singing Grams, and Red Cross Blood Drive.
Student Council
Student Council is broken into two groups: Middle School and Upper School. Two representatives from each grade level are elected in the spring for rising 7-12th grade students. Grade 6 representatives are elected at the start of the school year.
Yearly events include the Halloween Dance, Snowflake Ball, Treehouse Competitions, and field day activities.
LTS Ambassadors seek to foster a welcoming community for all students, celebrate diversity on campus, and promote unity and connection between LTS and the community at large.
Yearly events include New Student Orientation Day, The Dorset Tree Lighting & Potluck, The Manchester Lighted Tractor Parade and the Middle School Spring Fling.
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club is a student-driven initiative focused on fostering awareness of environmental concerns, actively implementing sustainable practices within the school, and engaging in impactful actions on broader issues. Their activities encompass attending youth climate conferences, conducting educational campaigns, and spearheading improvements in the school’s solid waste management system.
Genders & Sexualities Alliances (GSAs) Club
GSAs is a student-run organization that unites LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.
Outing Club
The LTS Outing Club allows students to engage in activities like Night Skiing, Outdoor Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking and Hiking. Throughout the school year, students are given opportunities to pursue outdoor activities and extreme sports that are not offered through our other programs. LTS has a gear library available to students who may lack the gear necessary to take part in Outing Club trips.
Social Justice Collaborative
The Social Justice Collaborative brings ethics founded on Long Trail’s Core Values to issue that occur beyond the limits of campus. The group meets biweekly to discuss justice in all of its forms: political, racial, gender and economic. Members believe that educating our own community about these issues contributes to the well-being of the school. Whenever possible, they look for opportunities where their own direct action can address injustice near or far.
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) is a student-led organization which educates others about the international institution’s work around the globe, raises money to assist that work, and advocates for the rights of children. This LTS group conducts weekly donut sales, runs occasional events like movie nights and meets twice a month to plan their presentations and efforts.