Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union (BRSU) Information
If you reside in Bondville, Danby, Dorset, Londonderry, Manchester, Pawlet, Rupert, Sandgate, South Londonderry, Sunderland, West Pawlet, West Rupert or Winhall, you need to complete and return the BRSU Tuition Request Form yearly in order for your town to pay their portion of tuition to LTS. If you are new one of these towns, or live in Winhall, please also fill out the BRSU Declaration of Residency and return along with the tuition request form. BOTH forms should be returned to the BRSU, not to Long Trail.
Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union
6378 VT Route 7A
Sunderland, VT 05250
P: 802-362-2452
F: 802-362-2455
E: info@brsu.org