Financial Aid FAQ’s
Long Trail School recognizes familial contributions to educational expenses as an integral part of financial responsibility. Financial aid at LTS does not cover all expenses a family may incur during the course of the school year. Financial aid provides assistance for a portion of tuition only.
Who may apply for financial aid?

Do all parents, including non-custodial and stepparents, have to submit their financial information to be considered for financial aid?

Why is my child’s seat not reserved once s/he has been accepted?

Does need for financial aid affect an application for admission?

Will every admitted student eligible for financial aid receive it?

What costs does financial aid cover?

Who determines aid awards?

When will I be notified of my award?

Is preference given to any particular group?

How does Clarity calculate my family’s contribution to tuition or ability to pay?

Does Long Trail School give scholarships?

Is financial aid automatically renewed each year?

If I do not apply for financial aid at the time of my child’s application to LTS, would I be able to apply in subsequent years?

What happens if the financial aid grant is not enough?