Course of Study (25-26)

Academic Program

Course of Study

The Course of Studies is designed to assist students in planning their course progression at LTS.
Choose your courses with your future in mind. Make your decisions carefully, and take advantage of all of the advice available from your parents, teachers, advisors, College Counselor, and Dean of Academics.
Consider the graduation requirements when selecting courses. There are certain required courses as well as a required overall credit total that must be earned. A specified number of credits are required from the course clusters. It will be necessary to plan ahead so that you will have satisfied all graduation requirements by the end of your senior year.
Note: While we hope to be able to offer every course listed in this booklet, on occasion a course is canceled due to lack of enrollment, scheduling difficulties, or other circumstances. Conversely, we may add additional courses that will be announced at an appropriate forum.
Since space in some classes may be limited, the following students shall have priority in seeking course enrollment:
Student previously eligible for enrollment but was denied enrollment due to class size
Grade 8
Graduation Requirements

Promotion Policy

Credit Transfer

Grading System

Honor Roll

Course Withdrawal


Individually Designed Course


Dual Enrollment

Vermont Early College

Standardized Testing